Wednesday, November 13, 2013

NBA 2K14 ReVisited

    Well today another short update on another game out there that I love. NBA 2K14 on PS3. First I just want to say yes I am getting the PS4 version as well. The same basketball game on two different systems? Yes! First off, NBA 2K14 next gen looks freaking awesome. But we are not talking about that one, we are speaking on 2K14 current gen. Anytime I play my PS3, I get in a game of basket ball. I don't know why, maybe because I am a basketball nut or I just really love 2K games (PLEASE COME BACK NFL 2K, ENOUGH WITH THE MADDEN!!!).

     If you were wondering on how you should rate NBA 2K14, think about it like this. NBA 2k14 is "S" series in the iPhone line up. So 2K13 is equal to the iPhone 4 or the iPhone 5. 2K14 is the iPhone 4s or the iPhone 5s, same product but different internals and functions. Now if you hung in there with me, then you can understand what I am saying and know that I am not saying more than what it sounds like. Anyway, 2K14 is basically the same 2K13 game that I loved, but the look and the feel of the game is just a tad bit different and the updated the rosters, controls and the overall presentation. Not saying that this is a bad thing, but it just almost feels like you have done this once before.

     A few questions I got was should a person run out and get this? Well when it first came out, I would have told you "Hell Yeah!" (in the Stone Cold Steve Austin voice). But if you asked me that same question again today, well you might get a different answer. My answer today would come back to you as..."well are you getting a next gen system?" And the question right there will tell all. For those of you who are getting a next gen system, there are a couple of ways of doing this.

  1. Have a PS3 and getting PS4: Get the NBA 2K14 Super Fan Pack from the PSN store. It's $99.99 but hear me out. This is the bundle I got. You get the PS3 version of the game (digital download version) and then when you get the PS4, you can just download it from there and have the new NBA 2k14 next gen version as well. So instead of paying $60 for current and then $60 for the next gen version, that is $120 so you wind up saving $20. The good thing about this is, you can have your PS3 version on your system or your child's system and you can play the new version on your PS4.
  2. If your not getting a PS4 (or not just yet) and you have a a PS3, then I would say yes, pick this up whenever you can. It is not a game that you JUST HAVE to run out and get unless your a die hard NBA fan and then in that case you probably would have it already.
  3. If you want 2K but don't have either system, go with the next gen version, unless you are on a budget and then if that is the case, get PS3 and a used copy of NBA 2K14. 
  4. Lastly, for the Xbox 360/One fans, if you don't have 2K14, don't get the current gen version, get the next gen version. 
I don't know what the frame rate or hd quality the game runs at on X1 (because not all games on the X1 run at 60 frames and or 1080p), but I know on the PS4 its 60 FPS (frames per second) and at 1080p, that I can not pass up and neither should you. 

     But this current gen version is starting to show its age on current gen me. Its like seeing a blu-ray movie and then going back to see a dvd movie of that same movie. My eyes have been opened to the next gen and I will admit I am a bit spoiled by the look of it. Looks are not everything and I got that, but it also looks like it plays well, well at least better than this gen's version. I don't have a problem with recommending this game to anybody though. I will play this game up until I open my PS4 and my copy on next gen finishes downloading. Probably later tonight, I will take in a game of basketball because I love the My Player mode (I think its My Carer now) and that is what I always play. I didn't do the Lebron Path to Greatness mode and I will not. No knock on Lebron, but just not a mode I am interested in, I am more focused on myself. I also dabble in the Association mode. Its nice to go make a trade you think your favorite team should make and then play it out how you want it to.

     Overall, the game is still solid as ever. The updates for the game come pretty quick, the online part of this game is still terrible and lags, but it is a good game that you would not be upset at spending $60 for. I wish the developers would stop taking short cuts in this game (like with the shoes!!! and things like All Star Break, my game was still in Houston) because those were things I thought they would change in this years edition, but sadly they did not. I still love the game and because of that, I say you should still go out and pick it up. It is still one of the better sports games out there and thank goodness no Jay-Z soundtrack this year (YES!!). Still go out and pick this up on this gen or next, you won't be upset overall.

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