Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V) ReVisited

     Here is the honest to goodness truth, I haven't played GTA V since maybe the end of October, maybe the first week of November. Here is the thing, the game itself is a great game and it keeps you going.....that is until you beat it or your run out of things to do with your favorite character. I was talking with a friend the other day and he simply stated that he hasn't even beat the game yet. Before I was set to laugh or show a face of awe, he simply stated that the game didn't interest him long enough to make him keep playing over and over again. This is a guy who posed with the games box on social media, heck he was the one who basically got me on board to get the game in the first place. But to laugh him off and call him crazy, well he may be on to something.

     Grand Theft Auto 5 is a great and fantastic game that pushes the boundaries on what a game should be and what a game should include in it. GTA 5 is also one of those games that for some (like myself and my friend) that just kind of came out at the wrong time to keep our interest high. This week is the of the PS4 and next week is the week of the Xbox One. What if Rockstar decides to put out downloadable content between now and anywhere in the near future? I sorry but I am just not getting it. I don't care what's included. This is around the time where developers start to put out that extra content rather it is free or not and people rush to download and talk about later. For me, my conversation over the next few weeks and maybe until early 2014 will be all next gen based.

     I bought the downloaded version so I cannot sell my version (legally) to anyone and get money back for it. So when I spent $60 for the game it's mine forever. Not a bad thing, but now it just I can't turn it in and put money towards another game and all that jazz. However you want to look at it, downloading is a good thing or a bad thing, the end of this month is here and we are looking at next gen right in the face and sorry people, but GTA 5 is an after thought right now. Especially with it not coming to next gen systems (as far as we know). I play about three games right now, Hotline Miami, NBA 2K14, and Battlefield 4. I should be playing Battlefield more, but I am paying the $10 to upgrade to the PS4 and my version of 2K14 is the version that comes with the PS4 version, so the only real game that I am playing on this generations systems is Hotline Miami.

     But for those of you who have not purchased the game yet or are on the fence about getting it, all I can say is, if you are not worried about going to the next gen yet, then absolutely you must get this game. But if you have not gotten this game yet and you are getting a next gen system as well, it might just be time to skip a GTA game. MAYBE. GTA may be the last great game of this current generations life cycles (that is those that are made for both systems; Batman Origins as well) (Beyond Two Souls, The Last of Us are games that you also need as well but only on PlayStation). I know Watch Dogs maybe a game like that as well, but its coming to next gen, so why would I buy it for PS3 or 360?

     But why I said my friend may not be as crazy as you think is because, the game captivates your interest for about a few days or so and then, I don't know what it is, but it just kind of leaves without warning. GTA V Online is awesome. And if your one of the people when the last time I played, got shot or "trolled" by The_D_O_P_E_69, sorry but it was me and in that world there is no right or wrong! I would hear friends team up to do something good or do a mission and then there I am drive by, or setting people up with bombs. I really had a great time with it. But again, my commitment to this game just happen to come at a bad time. Since September, (well really since they announced it) I have been gearing up physically and mentally for these next gen systems and maybe that is why he has lost interest in the game, I can totally understand.

     For those of you who think that this logic sounds crazy, and yell and say GTA is one of the best games ever (as I said so in a earlier post and I stick by that) but the timing of the game and to capitalize even more on the games success, is an opportunity missed or screwed up. I know it beat out Call of Duty as far as game sales and all of that (thank God), but I believe Rockstar could have put the bar higher for, not for themselves but for as far as capitalizing on a great thing. Maybe they have a strategy going in who knows, maybe this is just the beginning of something more to come. All I know is, GTA is one of the best games I have ever played and (could be top 5 best games ever) has been sitting on my hard drive taking up space and whenever the last time I played it, may be just that, the last time i'll ever play it.


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