Monday, December 2, 2013

My PS3: The Last Days

     This is my last day/time actually taking the time out to comment about my PlayStation 3. As I have moved on form the PS3 and on to the PS4, I can remember a time when I didn't want anything to do with Sony and their PS3. But that was way in the beginning and since then I fell back in love with my PS3. Sony makes some very good first party games like (Infamous) (God of War) (Killzone) (Uncharted) and lately (The Last of Us) and (Beyond Two Souls which didn't do so well but to me the story of the game was unbelievable). Even though there are more games that Sony makes as first party, there is no question that they make some of the best damn games out there and because of that, I went with Sony and their awesome first party of games.
     Before I was a PS3 man, I was and Xbox 360'er. I stood outside in 2005 and got my Xbox (the Arcade Edition) with two buddies of mine and we all went home and just didn't look back at the PS2 or the original Xbox. It was all about the new system. When they announced the PS3, I looked at it and kind of laughed at it and said well I will own it one day, but that machine looks terrible. There was also the thing of what the hell is a Blu-Ray disc? Why would anyone change the format of the disc or why would they not adopt (HDD)? (Sorry Hdd players around the world).
     Anyway, as time went on around February of 2006, my Xbox died! The first encounter (and not the last) I had with the dreadful red ring of death put me in a state of pure and utter piss-itivity! (I know its not a word but that is a shot out to my old drill sargent!) I replaced it and went on to enjoy my new one. As time went by, PS3 had came out and was announced at a price of $1 Billion dollars!! Well not really, but when it came out, that's what I heard as far as price goes! So because of that, I didn't even give it a shot, at least no until 2009. When the end of 2009 came, around November or December, I went out and picked up a PS3 because it was time to see what Sony had actually been doing and since I loved my PS2, I wondered why in the hell would they make a system so expensive? It must do wonders?! Well when I went to Gamestop and picked up a 60gb backward compatible PS3 (a fat boy).
     That was one of the best decisions of my life! I didn't care for how it came on (and still don't) but the interface was cool and changing the backgrounds was awesome. There were even moving parts to it! The problem I had was that all of my friends at the time were on 360 and none of them really wanted to jump ship (as they called it) but I had to because I had become bored with my 360 and it's little nagging "red" problems. But that's neither here nor there. I picked up a little game called Killzone 2 and played it and thought it was okay. I never was a real big online player but I gave killzone 2's online a shot and most of the friends I have on PSN right now, came from that same game (shotout to you guys)! I played Killzone 2 online like everyday! The sounds of the killings and ambient noises left me always wanting more and more. The time I had a kill streak of 8 kills in a row (4 of them came back to back to back to back) set me off into a world of elite status (in my own world that is).
     As I started to die down from that game, I picked up God of War one day and again....mind blown! I don't know what they were thinking (Santa Monica Studios) when they made that game but thank goodness you guys were on whatever you were on in that creative studio. God of War was a game that made killing awesome all over again for me. Since I am a fan of Greek Mythology I though it was cool to see the time period get some love (last game I played like that was Battle of Olympus on NES, loved that game). After that game I believe I got a PSP 2000 and then upgraded to a PSP Go. Got some God of War games on the PSP and everywhere I went my PSP went with me.
     I played other games and other systems (I had all 3. Wii, 360, and PS3) and enjoyed them with my girlfriend at the time. We alternated a lot between the Wii and PS3. After awhile I got into Uncharted and when I first played that, it reminded me of the first time I played Tomb Raider and it felt good to play. Nathan Drake is a character, and a funny one at that. The story with that game is awesome and the dialouge is what really gets me, the banter back and forth. One day out of the blue, I found out you can swith out hard drives and put a bigger one in. I thought that was awesome and did some research on which ones work and don't work and I took a chance and picked up a 500gb laptop hard drive. Durring that same time, modding was real big and I was hip to j-tag Xbox's and buddy of mine clued me in to what you can really do with a PS3! Tinkering with my system one night, I bricked my system! My 500gb hard drive I just put in....wasted by my tinkering. I was pissed and all kinds of other things. But for some reason I didn't throw the system out.
     My fiance can tell you and anyone else who knew about  my modded PS3 (if you guys didn't know, the modded PS3 was the one that was bricked) that thing was awesome. Wait, I forgot to tell you yes some way I unbricked my PS3 and back then that was unheard of. When my screen finally came back on to the debug screen I woke her up at about 4:30 or so in the morning telling and screaming!! I had to see if what I did was real and later that day I went to a buddy of mine who was real nice with making Xbox and Wii's "much better" than what they were (sorry he moded them lol). He had about three or four PS3's that were bricked and all but one came back to life. I then learned about how to mod PS3's and tinker with them and ran Java programs on them and different little utilities. Put different OS on some of them (those that could) and found a great way for meeting PS people. Xbox was so cool for bootlegging things and and it had its moments but the PS3 was capable of SO much more once you really went inside of it. I don't recommend it fat PS3's are the best by far!!
     I got out of my modding phase and eneded up selling that particular PS3 to a guy and then I bought two slim ones (the one I have today, the other was stolen) because I wanted one for the living room and one for the bedroom. I switched both hard drives form the 120gb to a 320 and another 500gb. Time went by and more games just kept coming and coming. I lived in the 3 ecco systems of Wii, 360 and PS3, but I would always buy more for my PS3 because that was my system of choice. We all have that system of chooice and there is nothing wrong with that. Xbox had a better online experience and because I didn't do a lot of online gaming (I did but not a lot), that was not the best choice for me. I love Mario and the only place to get that is on Nintendo, so in a sense I buy Nintendo just because of Mario and their first party games. They are always fun. Which brings me to Sony and the PS3. I was into their first party games even though their online service was not as good as Xbox Lives. But When PlayStation Plus dropped, why would you want free game? Who cares if you ever play them or not, they are free and you might find one you really like *cough cough "Hotline Miami" *cough cough.
     Anyway, in the final days, which really started in this year in September, I wanted to stop playing PS3 all together and get ready for The PS4 that was coming out in November. The problem was GTA V was coming out and deep down, I really wanted to play it. I caved and bought the game and played GTA V hardcore everyday (even after beating it 6 days later) up until GTA Online came out. After Online came out, I played it maybe once or twice after that, three times at the most. I kind of said I was not going to play anything else, but there I was playing NBA 2K14 on the 1st of October. GTA took a back seat to NBA 2K14, Hotline Miami, and Battlefield 4. It's not like GTA V was not good, because it was great, but I just moved on somehow and I became enamored with looking at how Battlefield and 2K would look differently on next gen systems. (And they do impress a lot) So this writing is dedicated to the era of the PlayStation 3 and the games that lived on it (and the ones that I will not get to play [Batman Origins]) and the ones that still survive today.
     Games like Demon's Souls (2009), Metal Gear 4 (2008), The Uncharted Series (2007-2011), Heavy Rain (2010), God of War Series (PS3 versions 2009 & 2013), Gran Turismo 5 (2010), both Batman Arkham Asylum (2009) and Batman Arkham City (2011) (did not say the latest release because did not play it Batman Orgins 2013). Let's not forget Killzone, and Mass Effect, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead and all the rpg's and Portal 2, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of The White Witch (which is so freaking sweet, pick it up if you can), MLB Baseball (any of them, can't go wrong), The Puppeteer, Dragon's Crown, and any other game I missed....I am sorry if your favorite was not mentioned. But do a search for the best PS3 Games and you will find something for sure. I do miss the PS3, but for me (as the type of gamer that I am) it was time to move on to next gen, where I am sure Sony will have more classic first party games in store for us and with over 180 games in development for the next gen PS4, how could I not move on?
Lot of ways to connect now:
PS4/PSN: The_D_O_P_E_69 or Titos Tech
XB1/XBL: TitosTech
Thank You to all those around the world (here is looking at you England) who support my site and people everywhere that read tech/games from my point of view or experience.
Coming Soon:
Nexus 5 review: after almost a month with the phone, how does the Nexus 5 and Android KitKat 4.4 stack up, check back here soon.
Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4): its been 7 years since Sony released a console. What did they follow up with and is it worth sitting in your living room for at least another 7 years? Check here soon.
Microsoft Xbox One (X1): Not my first choice for a console.....or is it? Did I convert over to X1 as my console of choice for next generation? Find out soon.
And other content as well.



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