Friday, September 13, 2013

PS Vita TV

If you have not heard, Sony is releasing a device simply called the PS Vita TV. The concept of the device is simple, put your Vita games into the device and play your Vita games on your big screen TV (or any TV in your home with an hdmi output). Sounds simply enough. The thing is, this device does so much more than that and a device this special "may" not even come to our side of the world. This is the PS Vita TV. 

So if the device sounds real good, trust me it gets better. So not only does it play Vita games, it plays PSP, and PS One games. It also streams content like Hulu Plus and has a Sony type ecosystem like their own Video Unlimited Service and Vita like apps such as the LiveTweet (a Twitter client) and Reader ebook. The best and the number one thing for me that this thing does is....wait for it....PlayStation 4 cross-functionality! The cool thing is that it will cost about 9,480 yen, which here in America would be about $95 without tax and is only scheduled, as of today, to come out in Japan on Nov. 14th (and also China and South Korea). If you notice though, this drops just one day before the PS4 drops states side. So everybody gets something the week of the 14th in November. From my understanding, the ps4 will launch sometime in 2014 for Japan so maybe, just maybe, we will get it here as well. One of the best things also about the PS Vita TV is that you play the games with a PS3 controller. They also have a separate bundle coming that's includes a DualShock 3 controller and an 8GB memory card which will sell for about 14,280 yen or about $143 here. 

Streaming duties at its best!
So here is the thing, the PS Vita TV can also be used as an extender (that's a good word) to play  PS4 games. What that means is of someone is watching TV in the living room (where your PS4 is) your could basically have a PS Vita TV in your bedroom (the ideal place for me) and play your PS4 on your bedroom TV, eliminating the need to keep moving your system from here to there (like I used to do) or buying two different systems to play the same games (also something I just got done doing. I miss my other PS3 all ready). You can read here to read more about the new device (it is a PDF). 
Power Button; Memory Card Slot; HDMI; Ethernet; Power Cord Hole
They also Announced a new lighter and slimmer PS Vita 2000
I think the concept of the little device sounds genius. If it does come to the U.S. and/or Europe and has some good exposure, I think it would make sense to people and they will really like what they are getting. If it only comes out in Japan, I have no problem importing because both the PS4 and PS Vita are region free (super smart). I know the sales for the Vita have been....let's say for a lack of better wording, not so good. The good of this is that it had a price drop recently and if you catch the right deal or place you can get a Vita and a bunch of extras for the same price as a basic one. A lot of the problem with the Vita is that a) it was to expensive b) the game selection and c) the memory for it was way over priced and after awhile it was hard to get a hold of (32gb). But now, after a $50 price drop across the board, and all the support from PS4 like streaming the PS4 to your Vita (they said awhile back PS4 and Vita would be working together) and a ton of games (indies and big name games like Borderlands 2) a Vita now doesn't really sound like a bad option. I think that is also where PS Vita TV comes in to play. You almost don't really have to "buy" a Vita, you buy the PS Vita TV and play your games on the big screen. The only problem is you can't enjoy all Vita games (as the were saying,) and you will not be as portable playing a Vita as you would like to be. So buying a Vita, in my opinion is not such a bad deal after all. But until we get conformation that PS Vita TV will or will not be coming to the U.S., I will be keeping my ear to the street and my eye on the prize as I am looking forward to this great addition to my PlayStation family. What are your thought? Let me know and thanks for reading.

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PSN: The_D_O_P_E_69
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