Wednesday, September 11, 2013

apple vs samsung

New iPhone 5c
The Other iPhone 5C's
Honestly, this is an iOS vs Android posting, however; a lot of things that move Android is Samsung, I went on to call this Apple vs Samsung. Its the fight that everyone loves to hear and read about. Rather its in the media or in the court house, Apple vs Samsung is Ali vs Tyson, Heat (LBJ version) vs Bulls (MJ version). I honestly like it because it brings out the best and worst in both companies and when it comes to the worst, they both share highlights. When you hear Apple and Samsung you automatically think cell phones. Truth is they go at in tablet wars as well. I think sometime next year they will be adding a bigger phone to the market (maybe not a phablet) and then it will be really nice to see a Samsung vs Apple in a smartphone war. But for now we have the Galaxy S4 (and its many variants like Active and whatnot), Galaxy Tab 3 (and its many sizes) the Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014) and the 8.0 and then the Galaxy Note 3 (now). I use these phones and tablets because the lead the way for Android so it was only right. On Apple's side of things, we have the iPad (4th gen), iPad Mini, an iPhone 5 and now the newly announced iPhone 5c and iPhone 5S.

The New iPhone 5S.
Now lets get to the point of me writing this. I always have these thoughts, and I love to read people's comments on other sites, about what makes the "fandroids" hate iOS and why the "isheep" hate Android? What was it that made them stick with just one single piece of technology and then hate the other? It is also funny to hear another person, who has never owned the object they are downing, talk so bad about the phone or tablet or Apple or Android (Samsung, Sony, HTC, ect..). I am going to share this thought with you and you can think I am way off but if you think about it, it kind of makes sense....well at least to me. I think Apple is like the older generation. The Generation like my mom and her mom and her mom's mom and so on and so on. I am 33, so the generation before me, they don't change an awful lot. They may change small things here and there or do slight upgrades, but not a big change all at once and that is how I see Apple. There is nothing wrong with that, I just see a lot of "old school" tactics in a new era of doing things.

Android, on the other hand, is more like my generation and below. Maybe that is why we (my generation) tend to go with this OS instead. Our generation always welcome change are not afraid to take a shot in the dark (the 1st Galaxy Note, people laughed that out of the building and now look), we want something different. If it doesn't work right, we either tend to work with it/work around it or change it to fix our wants and needs (Cyanogen Mod anyone?). And there is nothing wrong with this either, but the problem with that is that it can bring a lot of inconsistencies later on down the line and then you go through the phase of wanting more or more power or bigger and better.

Our parents and their parents (mainly their parents or our grandparents) were the ones who stayed together for 30+ years through thick and thin and made the vows real. What's crazy to me, in my opinion, our generation is how marriage is today, its almost a fashion statement or an exclusive club and then it barely lasts 5 years. Now that's not true for everybody, but its just my opinion. That is how I see Android and iOS. One is always constantly changing, always trying to out do the other or looking for the next big thing of bigger and better. While the other one is more consistent and almost stuck in its ways. If there is a problem, stick with it (*cough Apple Maps *coughs) and try to improve it next time or just hang onto it (*cough Passbook *cough. Sorry must be something wrong with my throat). And its okay if you don't see it that way or you just think I am in far left field, but to me honestly, that's how I see it.
iPad Mini
iPad 4th Gen.
Another iPad Mini

Apple is so protected and closed off. Is this why people hate them or dislike iOS? They remind me of Xbox 360 in the sense of you have to pay to play you know? Both have closed off platforms, ad agencies and other big market companies can't wait to advertise with them and then nobody has a problem with that. So at the end of the day I think we can say 360 won this generations console war but Apple may not have necessarily won the phone wars, but anybody who is everybody does something with iTunes and the App Store and in that aspect that is way better than the Play Store. Apple is has just one person doing everything or I guess what I mean is, Apple is the only one making iOS products. They are just one company who doesn't do everything in the top 10 all the time but they are very consistent with hitting the 8 and 9 mark across the board on everything.

Samsung Galaxy Note 3. A Beast!
Galaxy Note 3's with new covers.
Android on the other hand, is more like we have a guy for this and a guy for that and then another guy for this and that (guy being companies) and they do that very, very well. Motorola phones are know for being the best when it comes to battery life, its like they pride themselves on that thing, but everything else may be hit and miss. Sony designs some of the most beautiful Android phones out there, but everything else, not so much in the ball park. HTC is one of the few companies that can make Android appealing (as far as the Sense Skin on Android) to look at from their perspective and they also do a few phones actually quite well. Samsung, well Samsung is the king of features (or gimmicks as I like to call them) and nobody out does them. Even if the feature doesn't work right, so what, there it is (I'm talking about you Look Away feature), and they flaunt it to be 1st. I have no problem with that at all, they are great at it (*cough*stealing) (you guys are stealing vacuum designs now?!), features that is, and rather you use them or not, they are the 1st and the top when it comes to something new. So Android has many faces but that's what being open is all about and when you don't like something here, you move on to the next one or you change it, its just that simple.

Galaxy S4
Galaxy S4

 I think when it comes to putting something inside of a phone or tablet, Apple to me, is the best at this and I will tell you why. Apple is the type of company that will "perfect and then display". What I mean by that is, that they will work on something forever, and then finally display it to the world, rather its new, innovate, late to the show or whatever, they will try to perfect it as much as possible and then give it to the people. Android on the other hand (well Samsung at least) is the total opposite, they "display and then perfect". And again, what I mean by that, is that they will drop something first to the market rather it be features or technology, they will display it. I am sorry but after I seen this, I looked at the S4 when it came out and turned my nose up to it. Seriously, You can't show me this and then bring out that! I know it was concepts and trust me I understand, but again that just goes to what I was saying, the first to be able to say 1st and then perfect it later. Even the guy in the video coughed and said look at my tablet, in which i did laugh! If they dropped this phone/tablet (a real phablet in my eye) then there would be no need for any other phone to me. 
Galaxy Note 8.0

Galaxy Tab 8.0

Galaxy Tab 10.1
There were rumors that had suggested, AGAIN THESE ARE RUMORS, that Apple was working on a bigger iPad, but kept scrapping the idea because they couldn't get the battery life right. I don't know what the market for a bigger iPad would be, I hear 13 inches, but I think from Samsung's point of view, they do it and release it and let the people choose if they want it or not. That's what I like about Samsung, there is always something for somebody with them. The have phones from Galaxy S3 mini's to huge 10.1 inch tablets. Sometimes, you just can't go wrong with Samsung and you could build a nice ecosystem around them. The problem is that it runs Android (Android is not the problem but the fact that Android phones are FAR better than Android tablets, especially 10.1 inch tablets) and not everything runs equally as smooth on every device. I think with iOS, Apple really makes developers go out and make content for their iPad's and make them look how they should look on a bigger screen. iPhone and iPad are two different things, but run just about the same and I think that is what makes them so popular.
Galaxy Note 10.1 
What if Apple had custom launchers? Would people flock to iPhones? what if the iPhone was say maybe the size of 4.7 inches or and even 5.0 inches, would people like them then? Do people like the S4 because its the "S4" or do they like it because its an Android phone? In the case that it s because its an Android phone, what if Apple made an Android phone or Apple partnered with Sony And now Apple and Sony makes iOS phones. Would Apple do better, get more people to jump over to iOS? The point of all this is, this is what I think about when it comes to tech. I hear people rant and rave so much about things they know nothing about and won't even try because its iOS or its Android. Why not? I mean people have their own opinion and all but how do you get to the point where you feel that strong about something like that? I really like the people earlier today who went nuts about the iPhone 5c and its almost like they put Apple on the cross and crucified them. I get most of these people don't understand business and think the iPhone 5c was for us, but sadly it was not. The iPhone 5c was made for other markets that Apple was not in real big (namely China). Apple thought why not also sell this in the U.S. because we can make some money here at home as well. Sell it for $99 on a two year contract and its "a new phone" at a sweet price. People have to stop looking at things so one dimensional. The iPhone 5S, was crap, the finger print scanner was crap, blah blah blah. What people won't talk about is that that new phone is ran on 64 bit architecture! The new motion chip set. Just think of the possibilities. Games will look sweet (like Infinity Blade 3) and will be able to handle more data. That's just one thing. Sometimes you can't do what the fans want, you have to build and plan for the future and do what best for business. Both of those phones were fantastic business move in my opinion. In China alone, there are 700 million people who have contracts. If Apple's 5c and pull half of those people, that's about 350 million people, and that's just in one place (or a quarter of the people, that would be 175 million people on the WORLD's largest phone carrier).

I think about things like this all the time and in the next few months, I will go out and buy a phone outright,(I don't do contracts) (people complain about Apple and Android, they need to complain about the phone bills and complain about how those still look the same or haven't changed.) and I have narrowed my choices down to now 3 phones. I think what's best for me is what's best for what I have going on. People choose based off of specs or the way it looks or what it does and does not do and that is fine but in the end, you have to choose (or should choose) something that is going to be the best for what you have going on and what you are invested in. The 3 phones are the Moto X, the iPhone 5s, and the Sony Xperia Z1. I still like the Sony Xperia Z Ultra and the Oppo Find5, but I think for what I have going on, these 3 phones are the one to get. I got caught up in the spec war before with phones and tablets and for the most part they mean something but then again specs are not everything. I used to think they were the only thing. But now, iOS and Android both offer something that a person can use and really get the most out of their hard earned coin. I don't want to build my lifestyle around a brand of only this or that because then I could be really missing out on some really good things. So I am just trying to get the max out of what I put into things and I'm staring down the line of two Android phones and an iOS, and none of them are Samsung. I think this time around I will skip the "features" and get a phone that suits me instead of me suiting the phone. I guess until then, let the wars continue.

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AndroidGameTech keep making the great videos!

1 comment:

  1. I agree on what you said about each devices. I feel like neither phone is bringing anything very innovative to the consumers to truly make use of. I see companies just throwing ideas out there and running with it without any real thought as to who would really use this and why is this necessary. Nothing new will come out of these devices really until people stop running out to buy the next in line version of the phone. Iphone 4 to 4s adds that assistant then every version of an android phone seems the same. I went from Google's G1 to iPhone4 to HTC one s and now Google's Nexus 4 which is the same as the nexus 7 without the data plans. I get so bored with technology more these days than I was growing up. I do want an iPad though. Apple needed to fix their Os in Mountain Lion because I'm hearing a lot of bad things said about it now. Plus, I had to downgrade back to Snow Leopard just to have a stable OS again. This is just what I had to do, so it might not be that way for many others, but then again I didn't have the problems many people say they have with windows... to each his own, I guess. The patriot probably still works. Lol!
