Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My PS3: Is it time to move on?

If you don't know by now, Nov. 15th, 2013 is the day the PS4 comes out. I know plenty of people (at least one million pre-orders say so) have this day circled on their calender (as I do) and plan on upgrading to the next generation of console gaming. Then again there is one problem, what happens to my current generation PS3? Well hopefully that is what I intend to find out and hopefully I can come up with some real answers on moving on or staying in sync with both generations. This is all about My PS3: Is it time to move on?

Real gamers far and wide have one answer for me without hesitation and its simply "just game on both!" If you don't know, I am referring to moving on from my PS3 and going full blown PS4. Another option is skipping the PS4 and just stick with my PS3 or have both and have the best of both worlds. As true as that may sound and yes I know that would be super awesome, realistically, I don't think I have the time or resources to game on both. In a perfect world, and endless supply of money and all the time in the world to just game away! Ahh the perfect world, so easy to make up and yet so hard to make it a reality. You may also be wondering why even debate it, just get the PS4 and move on. I would love to, honestly but there are still some great games still coming out for PS3 (Beyond: Two SoulsThe Puppeteer, and Rain), not to mention the games that I need to finish playing (The Last of Us!!).

As you can see 58 GB left from 465 (500GB)
113 Games in this folder alone
Let's get to the heart of it here. 1st of all I am running out of room on my current PS3. I haven't played an actual disc game in so long, I don't even know if my drive works (of course it does, but its dusty)! 500gb sure does go fast over the years when you just keep putting game after game on there, and not to mention being a PlayStation Plus member, you really run out of room fast. Then 2nd, if you can see the Picture, I have a lot of games on my PS3, so finding something to play is never a problem, but then again there are too many things to play! And 3rd, these games are coming soon, like real soon. I know Rain will be out on the 10th or 11th of September and the other two come out in early October. But then that leads me to my next problem, there are other great games coming out in October/November.

NBA 2K14Batman: Arkham OriginsAssassins's Creed 4: Black FlagRayman LegendsDiablo 3FIFA 14Grand Theft Auto VWatch DogsWWE 2K14, and my personal favorite Battlefield 4. See the problem now? Too many great games coming, and not enough time or money. However, most of these games above can be played on the PS4 except GTA V and Rayman Legends (and I think Diablo 3). GTA V is enough to hold on to your PS3 in the first place. MY main thing is I just don't know if I can do both systems at the same time. However, I love the latest and greatest, no matter what it is (tech wise that is). So I  that's one of the main reasons why I want a PS4 in the first place. Me personally, knowing how I am, I will neglect my PS3 because the new hot item is in my house and I just have to play with it.

I am going to be honest, deep down, I think I am going to say good bye to my PS3 and get the PS4 and just hope that one day I would be able to stream PS3 games through their Gaikai cloud service (which is a rumor I hear is highly likely). Plus I would get some more love to my PS Vita because now I can play all the games on my PS4 on my Vita which makes another great reason to own a PS4 and a Vita for that matter. To me that is not a gimmick and I think that makes so much sense to do something like that. Its like they took the Wii U thing and made it better (better meaning the games can be played on PS4 or Vita and if you don't want to use a huge tablet controller, you don't have to). I know I am going to catch some heat for this but I honestly don't know what these guys over at Microsoft are doing with their new system.

Just about everything that Microsoft said they wanted to do, they didn't do or announced it will come later after announcing that it would be there day 1. I am not going to get into that in this posting but I will touch on that soon and I just feel bad for the people that pre-ordered theirs thinking one thing but are getting another. I will have a Xbox 1, but not anytime soon, its just to many uncertainties for me. I know when I get this PS4, things will be there day one and ready to go as soon as I pull it out. I had a good run with my PS3, and in about a month or so maybe around my birthday (later this month), I will retire from playing PS3 and move on to the wonderful world of PS4 and not look back. When it comes to tech, I am so funny acting. I wanted the Galaxy Note 2 so bad when it came out, I got it and then a few months later got rid of it because I wanted to get the Galaxy S4 or HTC 1. I got rid of it because I lost interest in it. Samsung makes really good phones....that is to really good phones that are very gimmick oriented. Look-away and hand swipes and barely touching the phone to do this and that, is crazy. Crazy because I hardly ever used any of those features everyday unless I was showing somebody else what it can do. Samsung is like a trophy wife to me, very, very nice eye candy. Xbox 1 is like that to me as well. I know Sony has their thing with the motion controlled flop that was the PS Move and on the new PS4 the glowing bar in the top of the controller, but they don't force it on you and it doesn't make the controller or the system any more or less useless.

I am a gamer and I want to game wherever I am for as long as I want and playing on my TV and then going to my Vita just seems like that should be mandatory for all systems. That was one of the best features I loved about the Wii U. Beating Injustice: Gods Among Us on the Wii U Game Pad was awesome because I was in my own little world while everyone else was watching TV. I got to game as much as I wanted to with the Wii U, but some games like Lego City was not able to be played on the Game Pad because you HAD to use it for the game itself. So to an extent, the Game Pad is limited and its not HD. The PS4 and the Vita I see are complimenting each other like peanut butter does jelly. After rereading this and starting to finish up with this today (I started yesterday), I think my decision is actually very easy. In a month, I will hang up the PS3 controller, pass on all  those awesome games (especially 2k14 on Oct.1st!!!!) and just wait until the 15th of Nov. and go get my PS4 with a few games (no disc all downloads!) and catch up with a new old friend. If your counting at home, that's about 45 days with no video games (well games on consoles) and I guess I will find some other things to do to pass the time. I guess by then iOS 7 will be out and I will get back to mobile gaming. Maybe Sammy (Samsung) will expose the new 12.1 inch tablet (I hear its a new Galaxy Note 12.1 inch tablet) or maybe they will drop the new Galaxy Gear watch by then I can go grab one and review it or even the Note 3 maybe running a little desert called "Key Lime Pie" (which I'm actually not as excited as I was about the Note 2). I hear my phone is dropping over here in the U.S. (FINALLY!!) with LTE support (THANK GOD!) and that is the Sony Xperia Z Ultra (such a power, powerful phone). Phone is mine (no contract of course).

IFA is this week and I can't wait. Apple is having a press event soon (rumored to be on the 10th of September) to drop the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c, so maybe I will get back into the mobile scene for awhile and that would help me pass the time because there are a ton of new and interesting things hitting the market soon. So I guess this month is my final time with my PS3 and while it is sad, the future is looking brighter and brighter so I guess I am not all that sad. Besides, if worse comes to worse, I will just get another PS3 and re-download all my games again and pick right back up like nothing even happened!

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On Raptr:  raptr.com/titostech
PSN: The_D_O_P_E_69
Xbox Live: Shawn Starr

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