Monday, August 19, 2013

The Last of Us

   When a game comes along and the competition says that a game is great, then you know that your game must be the bomb. If you don't know, I am referring to Larry Hryb or major nelson of Xbox (or Microsoft) talking about the last of us which is a PlayStation only game ( This is the last of us.
   First impression of the game are as follows in this order, awesome, so awesome, this is super awesome. I am a person who pay attention to the little things and so far this game is really impressive. An example of the little things would be when you look around in the car, your not just looking, but your looking as if you were the child going from window to window trying to figure out whats going on. Most games just have u look left and right, but you actually move to add to the situation.

   Another thing I like so far is the dialogue. So far its people talking over people as if they are really in a traumatic situation. Trying to find which route would be the best way to go amongst two people in a traumatic situation while also trying to sound calm and focused for the sake of the child is also present. I will continue to play more I am at the title screen, very sad game so far. (it is 6:33pm).

   So yesterday was Sunday the 18th and today is Monday the 19th (happy birthday today goes out to my daughter who is in the picture with me with the dress) and after spending all last night (this morning) playing The Last of Us, I can honestly say that this game is a must and not just one of the best games I have played this year, but one of the best games I have played in about the past 10 years. This is easily the best game (or top 3) on current gen consoles, seriously. I know people are going to hate when I say and they will call me biased or a fan boy, but truth is, what it is. PlayStation has the better exclusives and they use every bit of that blu-ray disc to get the most out of their games. There is nothing on Xbox that they make, that touches this game. I feel bad for PlayStation people getting (seems like) ports of Xbox games or dumbed down versions that seem like more could have went into the game had they had blu-ray disc's instead of DVDs. But that is an argument for another day.

   But back to The Last of Us. The game is gripping, intense, emotional and any other thing you can say about it. I will say that the controls need just a bit of tweaking, but other than that, the camera is just close enough to keep you entertained and I promise you that this game is worth every bit of $60. I didn't play the multi-player mode, didn't want to ruin the story but it is a very good game. this game actually made me want to stick with consoles. About a week ago I was going to Best buy to get my money back from my PS4 reserve and use that to grab some piece's for the custom PC I was going to build. I was debating on leaving the consoles behind me as I have been playing consoles forever and just get into PC gaming or just focus on more of the other tech and leave video games alone in general. But after playing this game, this game made me realize all the great games that I would be missing out on and have played in general. Heavy Rain was a fantastic game not to mention the story was awesome. But then you look at games that are coming, still on this console even with the PS4 coming, like Beyond Two Souls (game looks better than this game) and even The Puppeteer. There is still some quality gaming left and I think I need and want to be apart of that.

I am not stating that this game will change your life, or anything like that, but I did make me respect what the console can still do and what's to come. This game is easily a 10/10 in my book, but for the sake of argument and because it is not perfect, 9.5/10 is not bad. What I will say about the game that is bad, bump mapping, collision detection, The A.I. is smart but almost too smart and the controls at times will piss you off but not enough not to enjoy the game. Finally I will say this, this game is not for those of you who cannot understand what a great game is. There are people out there who honestly believe that Call of Duty is the best GAME ever made (I am not joking either) and that is terrible. This game is not for those who cannot expand their horizons beyond any FPS or sports games. But then then again I honestly believe that this game may be good enough to even change the minds of those said people, closed mind gamers and even.....dare I say it.....Xbox 360 lovers! This is a really good game and it deserves a place on your shelf.

The Last of Us 9.5/10
Great Game!

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