Monday, August 19, 2013

Mario & Luigi Dreamteam

   *Note that this is only the demo*

   What's up everyone, today we are doing another game review or first imprestion if you must, on a 3DS game called Mario & Luigi Dreamteam. So without further adu, this is Mario & Luigi Dreamteam.

  To continue the theme of this year being "The Year of Luigi" Ninendo has put together an impressive game that packs platforming and rpg elements together just right. First off I am a huge fan of Mario RPG and have a copy on my Nexus 7 FHD that I still play to this day. I say that because this game reminds me so much of Mario RPG and maybe that is why I like this game so much. Fans of Mario and or Luigi should not be bothered or depressed with this game because it is not the same old rehash Mario title and because it is fun if you have been playing these types of games or if your new to the whole thing. I am starting to thing that the best way to play Nintendo games is actually on 3DS rather than Nintendo Wii U or even the Wii. I say that because Nintendo captures all the Nintendo goodieness that we have all come to enjoy and even more and packs it in a place that can fit right into your pocket.

   I am not gonna lie, I am going to actually buy this game sometime next week because I am really interested in what other features or gameplay elements that they have packed inside of there. The game itself looks pretty good (for 3DS standards) and the controls seem a little weird at first but you get used to them over a period of time. The A button controls Mario while the B button controls Luigi. The R sholder button controls the switching of different actions while the L sholder button cycles them in reverse. The game itself (even in this demo) uses every feature on the 3DS to near perfection.

   There are three modes on the demo, The Real World, The Dream World and Boss Battle. My favorite so far is the Dream World because Luigi is at his very best. In the Dream World stage, you use the touch screen to pull on Luigi's mustache to grab on to Mario in game and fling him to different spots. It sounds odd and crazy but it works and works real well. The boss battle stage was nice too. The power ups that you use are basically little mini-games that you can pull off to double or even tripple your attack. One of my fav's was the turtle shell attack. Mario stands on one side of the screen and Luigi on the other and with the right timming of the right button, you kick the sheel at the enemy and it returns to the other teammate. However, if you miss it, you just missed out on a lot of damage for that said boss or enemy. It really keeps you engaged into the game these games can work for offensive and defensive purposes.

There were a few charecters that I reconized like Mario, Luigi and I seen Toad. Then there are a few new people, good/bad, who were new to me but they never left me going "who in the world are these people?" The only thing bad that I think I can say about the demo and not the game (but still may be in the final game as well) is that it seems like its to short and that the game wear out its welcome to soon. I could be wrong but that's what I get the feeling of. Anyway, anything I am missing or anything anyone wants to add, send it in and I do respond.

Check out my buddies buddies Youtube page A Demon Gaming <----click the link there
And as always Long Live Tech

Mario & Luigi Dreamteam 9/10

Selecting one of the best moves
Mini Game at its best.
The Dream Levels

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