Monday, May 20, 2013

The Wii U

Today I am going to talk about, the Nintendo Wii U.
Wii U With The Other Two Systems
My how the press/media has had their hand in the downfall of the Wii U. Honestly, I think it's not that bad of a system. I am not a Nintendo fan boy or a Sony or Microsoft one either. I am a gamer. I like to play games of all types (old and new) and I am not a person who jumps to different bandwagons because "everyone else is doing it". The console wars to most are like discussing religion or politics (or even worse) to some people. I for a point was one of those people. I still like a good old fashion discussion on consoles in general, but honestly the arguments are not what they once were to me. So that leads me back to the Wii U. The term "Nextgen" is a very open term in my mind.
Box 1
Tomorrow, Microsoft will reveal the revolution that is the very definition of "Next-Gen" in the next Xbox. I for one will watch the press conference but no matter how awesome and ground breaking ridiculous it is, I still will not get one (when they first come out). When the Wii U came out, I wanted to get one and was at my local Best Buy on that very Sunday. There were rumors that it was going to sell out so fast and no more shipments were to come in until late January or February. Well that rumor turned out to be a big lie  but I was still glad I had mine bright and early.
The Wii U is a new console in its own right but it also has a Wii built right inside of it as well. People complain so much that there are no games for it and it's losing third party support. The games that are there for it are great and they are only going to get better. People forget that PS3 wasn't all it was cracked up to be when it first started out either, but yet it's still around and it's a fantastic system. I love my Wii U, and when me and the misses, play or play with the kids, its great times all around.
To me, the system is like a combination of east meets west. Let me explain. When playing with the misses, we make it into a type of bonding moment. The Mario's or the Nintendo Land or even Sonic Racing, gets us going every time and we always have snacks and laugh and play hit each other and things like that (flirt) while playing because we are just enjoying each others company. That would be the east side of it.
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As far as the west side of it, when it's just me playing, I play games like Lego City, Batman Arkham City, Assassin's Creed 3 and there are a few other big titles that I like as well...oh yeah Injustice. This system appeals to me in so many ways that why should I not have it? Call of Duty is on there (we love zombie mode) and just because it doesn't get a few big exclusives, it's a trash system?! Stop it!
When the other two systems come out and send fanboys into a whirlwind of destruction talking about graphics and processors and things of that nature, I will have the same feeling I have about the Wii U that I have now, it's still great. When I go out to pick up my PS4, I will come home and set it up and more than likely love it, and still want to play my Wii U. Just know that the Wii U is $299/$349 for the basic/deluxe model. The new PS4 and Next Xbox (or Infinity) will more than likely not be those prices at all!
I keep feeling that the games are going to go up in price at least $10 as well for the "Next-Gen" systems. I remember when I had a PS1 and I wanted Gameday 98, it was like 39.99, my mom freaked about the price (and that was when times "were good"). Point is, games go up in price with new consoles and I expect the same thing for these two new ones as well. Hit me up if you want info or more personal opinion.

Nintendo Wii U Overall 7.5/10
More Wii U info here:

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