Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Xbox One (X1)

        Xbox 1(or One) is live and I get asked if I was  excited about the reveal of Microsoft's new system. Easy answer, NO! I'm going to tell you why. As a person who used to eat and sleep Microsoft, I think this years next gen system will be not in my gaming rig. From Windows 95 on up, I was there with Microsoft. When Windows 8 hit, I bought a real copy of that and I still don't really care for it. I bought a Surface RT tablet and it was good (sort of, just lacking major support) and I even had a Windows phone (Nokia Lumia 920) (excellent by the way) and Xbox 360 w/Kinect.

     I was not excited one way or the other about the reveal, but after the reveal happened, I kind of felt like......that was it?! First off, the design is horrible. It looks like an old Betamax player. I should know because my grandfather still has one. I don't like the block style of the console but it is what it is. As for the controller, I think I like the controller but there is something about it that just does not grab me and make me want it. However, the controller doesn't look cool and I suspect that it probably feels cool but again it's just something about it.

     I remember I have the original Xbox and I just thought it was so cool that they had a hard drive in it and it stored movies and music and all this other stuff on it. Of course it was a big block system and it was heavy but it made me want it. It has something the ps2 was missing. when halo came out it was the greatest thing going for me and my friends countless hours of four players deathmatch and the all-time favorite Slayer. The controller was ugly but they came out later with the smaller controller and that was cool. Then they came out with the 360. Avatars, Xbox Live, apps, in all this great entertaining power all rolled up in a nice little package, made me want a 360.

     So as I start to talk about the Xbox 1, I look at the system and the specs and I start to realize that I don't really want this system. I honestly think I could care less about the system. When the Kinect came out, I wanted it. Then after having it for a few months I realize that I didn't really need it or nor did I care about it. I finally  unplugging it form my system and sold it. And now the new one is mandatory. I don't like that at all.  it seems like what Microsoft is selling me now is things that I don't actually care about. I don't care about connecting with my TV, I don't care so much for call of duty, I love sports, but not enough to hook my TV to my xbox and go through that way. I am fine with using my TV and my remote as is.

     And that's the thing with the new Xbox in general, it's giving me features that I could care less about or having features that make me want to go out and get it. I got it and I understand that its next gen but you're not going to sell me on buying a next gen call of duty when the same game will be on the 360. I'm not going to pay more money for better graphics, TV, sports and Call of Duty, when the system that is out now is perfectly fine.

     I also understand that E3 is right around the corner and that hopefully they will talk about games, games, games. The hopefully, they Wow me enough to want it. As of right now, I am not feeling this system. I had a Surface Rt, not a Surface Pro, but a Surface RT and I was feeling that, but not this. Strange I know.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Wii U

Today I am going to talk about, the Nintendo Wii U.
Wii U With The Other Two Systems
My how the press/media has had their hand in the downfall of the Wii U. Honestly, I think it's not that bad of a system. I am not a Nintendo fan boy or a Sony or Microsoft one either. I am a gamer. I like to play games of all types (old and new) and I am not a person who jumps to different bandwagons because "everyone else is doing it". The console wars to most are like discussing religion or politics (or even worse) to some people. I for a point was one of those people. I still like a good old fashion discussion on consoles in general, but honestly the arguments are not what they once were to me. So that leads me back to the Wii U. The term "Nextgen" is a very open term in my mind.
Box 1
Tomorrow, Microsoft will reveal the revolution that is the very definition of "Next-Gen" in the next Xbox. I for one will watch the press conference but no matter how awesome and ground breaking ridiculous it is, I still will not get one (when they first come out). When the Wii U came out, I wanted to get one and was at my local Best Buy on that very Sunday. There were rumors that it was going to sell out so fast and no more shipments were to come in until late January or February. Well that rumor turned out to be a big lie  but I was still glad I had mine bright and early.
The Wii U is a new console in its own right but it also has a Wii built right inside of it as well. People complain so much that there are no games for it and it's losing third party support. The games that are there for it are great and they are only going to get better. People forget that PS3 wasn't all it was cracked up to be when it first started out either, but yet it's still around and it's a fantastic system. I love my Wii U, and when me and the misses, play or play with the kids, its great times all around.
To me, the system is like a combination of east meets west. Let me explain. When playing with the misses, we make it into a type of bonding moment. The Mario's or the Nintendo Land or even Sonic Racing, gets us going every time and we always have snacks and laugh and play hit each other and things like that (flirt) while playing because we are just enjoying each others company. That would be the east side of it.
Box 2
As far as the west side of it, when it's just me playing, I play games like Lego City, Batman Arkham City, Assassin's Creed 3 and there are a few other big titles that I like as well...oh yeah Injustice. This system appeals to me in so many ways that why should I not have it? Call of Duty is on there (we love zombie mode) and just because it doesn't get a few big exclusives, it's a trash system?! Stop it!
When the other two systems come out and send fanboys into a whirlwind of destruction talking about graphics and processors and things of that nature, I will have the same feeling I have about the Wii U that I have now, it's still great. When I go out to pick up my PS4, I will come home and set it up and more than likely love it, and still want to play my Wii U. Just know that the Wii U is $299/$349 for the basic/deluxe model. The new PS4 and Next Xbox (or Infinity) will more than likely not be those prices at all!
I keep feeling that the games are going to go up in price at least $10 as well for the "Next-Gen" systems. I remember when I had a PS1 and I wanted Gameday 98, it was like 39.99, my mom freaked about the price (and that was when times "were good"). Point is, games go up in price with new consoles and I expect the same thing for these two new ones as well. Hit me up if you want info or more personal opinion.

Nintendo Wii U Overall 7.5/10
More Wii U info here: http://www.nintendo.com/wiiu/

The Galaxy Note 2

I know it has been awhile since I have blogged, life has happened (good and bad) and so now I am here, I am ready to talk about the Samsung Galaxy Note 2.
I am going to tell you the honest truth, this phone is not for everyone. It's not because of the phone's huge screen, but it not for everyone due to the fact that it's not that practical. It's a great conversation piece because of it's size in general, but there are things that go on with the phone that just becomes a headache. The main thing being that it is not great for one hand operation. Let me get this out there before there is some sort of backlash. There is a one hand feature built into the phone, but yet everything is really not "one-handed".
This, however, is my only big gripe about the phone. Out of all the phones I have had, red Nokia Lumia 920, black iPhone 4s, pebble blue Galaxy S3, and a black Motorola Droid 4, this phone is by far the best and my favorite. So then you wonder, well who is the phone really for? Well that depends. If you are a business man/woman and you attend a lot of meetings and things of that nature, then this is the phone for you and it is a phone that you should have in your setup. If you your not a business man/woman than this is a great phone to have but not a great everyday phone for you. If you're just an everyday kind of person, who likes to have a phone that does more but not too huge on the screen size and basically practical, then you should go with an S3 or S4, that's just my personal opinion.  
Here's the thing, the Galaxy Note 2, is a fantastic phone that is full features that either enhance the Android experience or builds on Touch Wiz's solid feature set. The good news is that when Android moves on to 5.0 key lime pie(or if it hits 4.3 jelly bean) this will be one of the phones that will get that update (at some point in the future).  The bad news is if you are one of those people who cannot stand Touchwiz, then you may not be as angry with it on this phone but just know that it is there in rare form. My experience with Touchwiz has been pleasant (thank God) but I do know people who absolutely hate it and refuse to buy Samsung's because of it or just root their device's any way. If you you can get past this huge behemoth that it is, then this phone is a great buy and you should have one in your pocket or purse.
I do feel that if/when a new Galaxy Note 3 comes out, I will have to get it because I am a huge fan of this phone and wanted to get my hands on an original Note as well. Again I am no tech expert, but I do love electronics and gadgets and I feel like a have a very realistic view of electronics and gadgets in general. This phone is awesome would recommend this phone in a heartbeat to anyone. If there are any questions you want to know about the phone, then reply back and I will answer as fast as I can.

The Galaxy Note 2 Overall 9.5/10

Specs and other info found here: http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/galaxynote/note2/spec.html?type=find