Thursday, September 19, 2013

GTA 5 (Best Game Ever!?) (PS3 Edition)

That's How I Role: TitosTec On The Plates!
Lets face, there was a lot of hype to the game and most wondered if it would even live up to these huge expectations. Well I am here to tell you that GTA V is and could arguably be the best game ever. Well that is up until this point. This is my opinion of GTA V.

Honestly, I am tired of hearing about the game but I have to give credit where credit is due, this game is bad ass! There is no if and or buts about it. Let's be honest, we all knew it was going to have great graphics, new physics and all that good stuff. But what we didn't know was how well the game would play. I played GTA 4 and while it was a good game, I still went out and played other games while playing GTA 4 and/or played for a little period of time. I hate to compare here but I have too, GTA 5 has been the only thing I have turned my PS3 on for! I played NBA 2k13 almost everyday but since this GTA came out, I am waiting on NBA 2k 14 because that may be the next game I actually play. I hate to sound like all the other game reviewers or people who do games for a living, but if you have not played this game yet, then there should be two reasons why you have not played: you get paid this weekend and will get it this weekend or you just don't flat out care about games...... well maybe the last one was a little harsh but if you play video games, there should be no reason why you do not own this game. Again, this game is bad ass!

Let's talk about why this game is bad ass. Graphics, check. Good physics, check. Good audio, check. Cast of actors to really bring the game characters to life, check. Now we all know or knew that was a given. But what really makes this game shine is the game play elements the attention to detail and the little things (which in a sense is the detail thing as well). I don't want to give away any spoilers if you are some of the few who haven't played but the missions are super cool. Finally there are mini missions that help you build up or get ready for the main mission. What I mean by that is, now you have to acquire certain things before you can even do the actual mission, which is really cool. In the mission that i am on is, I got to choose which way I wanted to rob a bank, the smart way or the chaotic way. I choose the smart way. Then I was able to pick three people for the job and they have a pay scale and those are the attention to details that I like. So now I'm at a point to where I am looking for three separate things spread out over the city that will help pull of the actual bank job instead of just getting ready to do the job and play that part of the game. Now its like you have to do it all which is real nice. Your way may be the same as my way, but the details can be totally different meaning for a different out come. 

The little things and detail things I like is the way Franklin's homeboy walks and talks Lawrence. I used to know so many dudes just like him it was so funny to see those mannerisms all over again. The walk, the talk, the dialogue is real, real good. This game in my book is already a 10/10 without a doubt, but then you add in things like tennis, golf, I went to the movies and watched a whole movie (which was funny and weird at the same time), I have been hunting deer up by the Vinewood sign, I have also been underwater a couple of times enjoying the underwater sea life. I know normally I should be further in the game, but honestly doing everything else is where its at right now. Not to mention I am still checking out all the cars, going to the shooting range, getting better on my back hand, oh and enjoying a few hours at the strip club making it rain (and yes that is a option). There is an app also for it called iFruit app and it helps you train your dog better and also customize your ride. 

My Car Designed From The iFruit App
I could really talk about this game all day but sadly enough I cannot and also because GTA online is coming in about 2 weeks so I really not going to have anytime for anything else it seems like. I also would like to say that this game has made $800 million in one day and it has not even released in Japan and Brazil I hear. WOW! That is crazy. There is still more for me to find out in the game and so far the story has been real good and the characters are very alive and filled with personality. Thank You Rockstar for this genius game and getting back to the the game we all used to love in San Andreas and making it 1,000 times better. If you are on the fence about this game, get off and get the darn game already or if your a parent thinking this game is too much for your child, you may be right but they will be out of your hair for awhile I can guarantee that. Also the intro to the game was real awesome, that is how it should be done take note games/Hollywood. 

If It Looks Crazy, Its Because Its From My Monitor

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and now on word press@

There are rumors that they have found code (found in an Xbox 360 non the less) suggesting that this game, GTA 5, may be coming to Orbis (Which all of us know that was code name for what is now PS4).
I HOPE that this is true because I will own that version as well. No word on if it will be on Xbox 1....according to this rumor.

Also I will have a Xbox 360 review of this game soon as well. 

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