Thursday, April 11, 2013

1 My First Day

My First Day
        With all the tech out in the world, anyone who knows me probably would have told you I was doing this by now, but the truth is, this is my first posting I have ever done and it will not be my last. My writing will not be “politically correct” or go by some standard of journalism because truth is, there will be errors and spelling mishaps so just let it go. Now, let’s get to the real stuff.
        Those who meet me or get to know me know that I am a tech junkie or a tech nerd or whatever you want to call me. I love electronics and gadgets, video games and the technology that goes into them. I love waiting for a new product to be announced, displayed, talked about, advertise and then when it launches, it flops real badly, I honestly love it. I don’t love that it flopped, I loved that some company took a gamble and opens the door for another company to do it right or build on. I guess in these blogs people write just about whatever comes to their minds or life changing situations within their lives, me on the other hand, I am going to write about tech. Tech all the time. Android and Android products (tablets, phones, watches and things like that), Google, Samsung, Sony, Apple products, Windows products, video games and game systems, refrigerators, stoves, washer and dryers and so on and so on.
        On of the main things I like to write about is things I have owned or currently own. Only because there are so many products out there to choose from, you never know what you are going to get unless you buy it. Some stores however, once you buy it, you’re stuck with it and you just spent your hard earned money on a crappy product. That sucks and I know we all have been there. I don’t know if I will do this every day, but I will try and do this at least once a week. So sometime in the morning, I will start writing about my first product and that is my Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Until then…

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