Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Console War

Update: The Xbox is called Xbox 1 and not infinity. This was made on 5/20/2013

Let's be honest, your an Xbox Fan boy or you’re a Playstation Head or even a Nintendo fanatic. So what! When the new systems (well Wii U is already out) come out you will be the first ones on your block with the system. For the average gamer or the person who is still trying to understand what the need for the new system is anyway, selling to that group of people is key in this battle that is the console wars. Why do I need a new Xbox/PS4? Honestly, I couldn't tell you...other than the graphics will be so awesome and it will really fast and this and that. But with great games coming up in September and going forward, why would I buy Call of Duty Ghosts on my Xbox 360 and then again on my Xbox Infinity (I think that is what they will call it)? Oh, you’re saying I wouldn't buy it twice; I would just buy it for the newer system right? No? Oh because I want to play with my buddies and they don't have the new Xbox Infinity yet, so I will just get it for the 360 then. There that settled that. Well wait, what was the reasoning for buying the Xbox Infinity then? Again refer to underlined statement above.
            I use that reasoning because people were so critical of the Wii U when it came out as to what it actually was and it's not really "Next-Gen" and this problem and that problem. The truth is, the 360 and the PS3 are still awesome systems that probably have at least another year in them both to milk it for everything that it's worth. But if I have to choose between the Xbox Infinity and the 360, I am going to choose the 360 until most of my friends get one as well. Everybody I game with is on the 360. So when the new 2K14 comes out, i will have it for the 360, even if it is on the Infinity as well because I want to play with my boys (friends) and my family online as well.
            My point is, will there be these same conversations surrounding the Infinity and the PS4 when they launch, because the fan boys of both will get their respective systems upon release but the other gamers out there, are they just going to be stuck in the old days or 360/PS3 days? Will the two power systems really sellout or achieve those big numbers that they covet so much? I just want to know what the point is. I will get the PS4 when it comes out or a few days later and then in about a couple of months I will get the Infinity.
            I am a gamer. I love to play games. So me having all 3 "Next-Gen" systems will be in the cards as I had all 3 of the previous gen systems as well (Wii, PS3, & 360). The reality is, I just keep thinking that the games that are coming for both PS3/PS4 and 360/Infinity will be ports of the equal or lesser parts and that is what really sucks to me. Call of Duty Ghosts and even FIFA 14. They will be playable on both next gen systems but which one will be the lesser of the two? Will FIFA 14 be better on Infinity or 360? Is it a port that was upgraded or down scaled? I hope it is neither and the development went into each individual game. That is why I ask, what is the point of the new consoles? If they did do it on an individual basis, then why spend all that time and money on making the same game different when you could be working on something else or making the other so great that it flops (in its own terms that is)?
            I know between these two systems there will be more than $1000 spent, and is on just the consoles alone. That's a lot of money just for better graphics and sound. I guess I could just get a custom made computer and keep it updated and never worry about these pesky consoles again! 

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