Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Xbox One

The Xbox One aka OZ

     The all mighty and powerful "xbone" as they like to call it. Spearheaded by all the gripes and complaints, DRM issues and just a flat out bad presser (when they had it and E3), is the "xbone" really a "bone" at all? This is my review of the Xbox One.

Sony Always In There Somewhere lol
     The Wonderful World of Oz. Such a beautiful place and a road paved in gold! Ahh, what a place. This my friends is Microsoft. A place where your gaming needs can come true and everyone who is anyone has one sitting right in their homes (Xbox 360 that is). But alas, what is this a new OZ powered by a graphical powerhouse and speeds that would make Usain Bolt look like a snail riding a turtle? Why would anyone not want to go there? Well even in the Wizard of Oz, Dorthy wanted to go home (or back to reality) and that is what a lot of Xbox fans wanted to to do, go back home....and play games (without issue that is). So maybe Sony's new toy (PS4) is home and Oz is Microsoft's home away from home. Is the Xbox One really that bad? I can honestly say as of right now, no not really. It's actually quite awesome. So awesome in fact, I have left "home" and moved to "Oz". If you didn't catch that, that means I have moved to an Xbox One. In this review I will explain why and what I hope to get out of my new accommodations and what you as gamers or people who are interested should know.

     First thing you should know, the always on thing is true and not true. So while connected to your internet, everything looks good and runs like it should. If your a person like me who lives on pinning things (quicker access to things you use most) to your start screen or pinning them on Xbox 360 into "my pins", then you should know that Xbox One (X1) has their pins to the left of the main start screen. No big deal, its easy as hell to get to. The problem is that when your not connected to the internet or for some reason lose connection, then your start screen (well start up screen in general) looks real bad. The pins on the left and the items on the right of the start screen just fade with the internet. I have not seen if the system still works or not (which I am sure it does) but the things that make your X1 come to life are gone, when the internet does not exist. So your internet does not always have to be one or your X1 always connected, but the internet sure does play a big part. The difference on the way the games look are also noticeable but then again it depends on your TV. I game on a plasma and plasma's just look the best as far as color reproduction and those blacks are amazing (oh and the refresh rate). But gaming on the plasma and looking at NBA 2K14 (yes the GAME RIGHT THERE) on the X1 and then on the PS4..there are small differences. To me, PS4 looks better. But when looking at the same game on the LED on PS4 and then on X1, those differences become the same (to me).

     I am not going to get into the internals and all of that and then more comparing of the PS4 and X1 but you can see more of that HERE. But what I will do is talk about the unboxing and the experience I have had so far and why I choose to go the way of "Oz".

The Unboxing
     This is one of the worst unboxing's I have ever done lol. It took a long time just to get things out of the box, setup and then started. It had to have taken me 15 to 20 minutes. But even so, the unboxing felt like I was getting a premium device/unit. The extra controller that you have to buy (yes the X1 comes with one), the box was simple and easy to get to and it made it seem as if the controller was your weapon of choice to vanquish evil. After taking all the plastic off and protective coverings, the unit described in one word...Huge. Those of you you who were able to know what a VCR is, think of the X1 as that or a Beta Max Player. This thing is huge and heavy. But don't let that scare you. When Microsoft said that they wanted to be number one in the living room, this big black device is big enough to scare the other things (and consoles) away to make that happen. In my living room lives the receiver, the cable box, and the X1. Yes I did connect my cable to the X1 (also the PS4 and the Nexus 7 2013 edition) and it works very, very well. The only thing is, sometimes the commands will tick you off...really bad, but its better than last generations Kinect. 

The Experience

     So far when using the X1, it has been a charm unless I am trying to show someone the features or things like that, then it wants to not work or makes it difficult to operate and people look on as if to say "I think i'll pass". On the other hand, when it works, it works like a charm. I would give the over all system use about 8/10 times whereas last generations Kinect would be around a 5-6/10. Skype works great on the X1, had a call or two on there already. The only thing I don't like about the X1 is the menu layouts and where is the information on how much space I have left on my unit. That's right, there is no way yet, to know how much space you have your hard drive. The menus, are terrible. Trying to find things is like a journey into Minecraft, it only gets better once you dig deep. And dig deep you will just to find this or that. The cool thing is that most of the stuff you can pin to the start screen, but other things like account info and (not profile people) will have you journeying to the center of the earth. It's not bad once you get used to it or if you have used Android devices, then you will be able to pick this up in no time. If you have used a PS4 and are coming to X1, then you are in for a treat (not a good one either). 

     The other thing I don't like is the new controller. Man it is awful. I like the feedback in the trigger buttons, that is actually awesome. The feel of the new controller is ok, but the overall and while playing games, boo! People keep saying they are the same as the 360's and ones just bigger or smaller. I am sorry people, those two controllers are worlds apart like 2K14 on 360 and 2K14 on X1. The PS4 controller in my opinion is way better than the new X1 controller because Sony made the right changes to the DualShock whereas Microsoft seemed like they made changes cause this was a new system. The 360 controller was already worlds better than the PS3 and it fit the hand real nice, as the PS3 controller was to small and button placement was to close together. It seems like Sony and Microsoft made a switch in the controller wars. But again don't let that scare you off as well. To be honest anything negative I have said about the X1, that's just about it. Other than a few minor hiccups here and there, the X1 is a solid next gen console. The only thing now is games and other content (which they both lack) but the end of January (early February) is looking real good for games like Titanfall, Project Spark (which was one of the only things I saw during Microsoft's press event that I actually liked and plan on buying), Quantum Break and of course Halo. Of course these are all console exclusives and I think the coming months are looking real promising. For more games take a look HERE. Another awesome feature is the Sky Drive integration and the Game DVR. The game dvr is awesome because all you do is yell out "Xbox record that" and that game clip records to your hard drive and then you can edit it and upload it to the Xbox One universe or you can save it with Sky Drive. For more check out this VIDEO. The last thing is the Snap feature. The Snap Feature woks like this. So when the Cavaliers go to half time, I play Killer Instinct or finish up 2K14 or maybe Dead Rising 3. But half time is fast at times, I end up missing like 3 or 4 minutes of the game. Well when you say "Xbox Snap TV" (considering you have cable or satellite hooked up) the X1 will slice your game and TV viewing in half and you will be able to watch TV and continue playing your game as well. The multitask feature on the X1 is amazing and these features I love more and more.

The Decision 

     I know for some this may come as a shocker, even most of my friends were surprised to know that I went with the X1 over the PS4. Well honestly, it was a really hard decision but one I felt was the right one to make. Why you ask, well recently I switched over to Windows Phone and chose the Nokia Lumia 1520 (or Windows Phone 8) and it just made perfect sense. I got tired of the same thing over and over (as iOS and Android go) and just wanted something different but something familiar (as in I had a Lumia 920 last year and gave it up for the Galaxy Note 2, boy what a mistake)(got me again Samsung!! Got me a-damn-gin) that I had no problem using. The review for the Lumia 1520 and the Lumia 2520 are coming soon. I got my son a phone for Christmas (he already had one but not a smartphone) and ended up getting him a Lumia 520 because he has been full time Xbox, so I figured that the connection between the two would be awesome and hopefully he would like it. Well thank goodness he did and AT&T has a great deal on them and plans (shocker I know). My daughter also now has a Windows Phone and I figured that using Microsoft services is not all that bad and that their phones are actually quite good. I am subscribed to a few of their services like Xbox Music and having everything rolled into one neat little package was a big deal for me. Since he has 360, I went out and got a 360 as well and figured we could game together on at least a few things (Minecraft and WWE 2K14). I love Sony, don't get me wrong, but the PlayStation 3/4 moves very well and I have heard that their phones, well not so much. I like getting updates..hence that's why I love Nexuses so much and that stock Android. The thing with the X1 after awhile became easy and I just kind of accidentally fell into the Microsoft ecosystem. Most of the top notch games are going to PS4 and X1 anyway with a bunch of console exclusives here and there, but X1 won over my living room with (what I thought was a gimmick) features that I use everyday that I paid no attention to. 

     The Kinect is the biggest gimmick for Xbox, so I thought, but addition of adding your cable/satellite to the box and.....AND it works together.....very well in fact....I had to go with that and the fact that I have a Windows Phone and the games on their add to my gamer score (well Xbox and Xbox Live games) and Sky Drive and Skype just work so well together, its close but almost comparable to Apple and their ecosystem. Who knows maybe I would have stayed with Apple if they had a console (console worth buying) or maybe I would have stayed 100% Android if Sony's phones and services for them were a bit better. But in the end I went with what I thought was the better overall selection and that's Microsoft and the Xbox One. Sure there are things that it can't do, but there are things that it can do as well. One thing that its definitely doing is helping me and my son game together from far away and somewhat getting us closer together. As far as the X1 goes, its just another piece to the ecosystem that works really well with everything that I have around me. The difference between the PS4 and X1 comes down to preference and real gamers will have both anyway (we do rule however). But for those of you who want to get just one or the other, my advice for you is to make your decision based on what you want the most. Most of my friends have no clue which one to get first, but look at it like this. 1) did you have a PS3 or a 360? if you had a 360 then go to X1 and keep all of your content and gamer score/achievements in tact. If you had a PS3 then go to PS4 for those reasons as well. 2) if you had PS3 but want to switch to X1, ask yourself why and how much of a commitment are you going to make and willing to make for it. Same as if you had a 360 going to PS4. 3) lastly, where are your friends going and do you want to follow them or do your own thing. If the majority of your people are going all one way, then making the transition with them should be an easy one for which ever you decide. For me, I choose X1 because of the features built in it, like game DVR and being able to add on your own external hard drive down the line (I am really hoping to put a 2 or 4 TB onto this thing), Snap Feature, the multitasking and other things (I feel like I am missing something). Should you get though overall, I say, why not?!

twitter: @TitosTech
Raptr: Titostech
XBL: TitosTech
PSN: The_D_O_P_E_69
G+: just follow me at the top

this is what it says when no internet connection is found and you play a game

This is my setting with the Hue Lights when I play Xbox One

Sony Again lol

Fantastic Race Game

That red glove is the one I use when I unbox or get new electronics. Gotta keep them gadgets clean!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sony PlayStation 4

If you were there Nov. 15th, 2013 (here in America) like I was for the release of the PS4, then you know how awesome the experience was. If you were one of those people who picked this up or received this for Christmas, then you already know about the excitement this console holds. But if you are one of those people who are on the fence or were on the fence about this console or didn't get a chance to get one (or the other console, with review coming soon), then this review maybe able to help you out. With over 4 million consoles sold (as of yesterday) and nearly impossible to find, this is the Sony PlayStation 4.

Let's just get this out in the open so you don't think I am biased or in favor of one machine or the other. This console, the PS4 is by far my favorite console...of the next gen consoles. Until you have actually played one it is hard to describe how easy it is to navigate to menus and the PS store and things like that. This thing just flat out flies. If you were a PS3 owner like I was (or still are) and you go to the PS store or view trophies or go from one thing to the other, you know that on the PS3, it almost seemed like a chore to go from one to the other. On the PS4, that is a thing of the past. This machine takes navigation smoothly to a whole different level. But that's just one thing. I don't even know where to start because there is so much to say about it.

On the inside of the PS4, it houses an 8-core AMD Jaguar/Kabini x86-64 CPU, a Radeon 7870-derived GPU with 18 compute units (vs. Xbox One’s 12 CUs), and 8GB of unified GDDR5 RAM. The best thing is the RAM which provides both the CPU and GPU with 176GB/sec of unified (shared) memory (can see more here). The design of the system is what gets me though. Its black (shiny and matte like Xbox One) (who designed these consoles?!) and very oddly shaped. Think of it as a rhombus. The measurements, which are 275 mm x 53mm x 305mm, remind me of how the PS3 first came out with the huge block/dome looking design, meaning its odd. The controller also got a revamp and is by far the best of the DualShock's and I find it better than the Xbox One's. It's almost like the 360's controller passed the torch to the DualShock 4. I say that because it is a no brainer that the 360 had the better controller as far as feel, hand placement/hand ergonomics, and the overall weight of the controller. This time around the PS4 controller is top of the class other than the share button placement. 

In my honest opinion, and this is just how I feel, but I feel like the games look better on the PS4 vs the Xbox One. I can't put my finger on it, but the games run smoother and are just overall better looking. For those of you who have both, I know you can agree with that a little bit. NBA 2K14 (you knew I would get it) looks and runs smoother on the PS4....to me. Same with FIFA 14 and Assassin's Creed Black Flag. The features of the PS4 are awesome as well. Being able to stream live gameplay is really awesome via Twitch and Ustream. I ended up signing with Twitch and have broadcast a few NBA 2K14 games. I also streamed Killzone as well. The one thing that I don't like is the fact that you cane share video (that I do like) but not to anywhere, it has to go to Facebook! I personally hate BookFace (if you know what show that came from you are awesome) and hate the fact that you can only share your video with them but pictures go to Twitter. Sony does a lot with Android and Google, why can't you share with Google Plus? C'mon Sony get it together! But anyway, that is a small gripe for such an awesome machine. 

Don't Fear, COD: Ghosts Never Came Out of The Plastic!! COD=Terrible
When I got the system, I picked up NBA 2K14Injustice: Ultimate Edition, and Killzone Shadow Fall. I went with these games because I had Battlefield 4 on and instant upgrade for $10 and all the free games I got for being a Plus member. Resogun is a BEAST!! Love that game. But I wanted a fighting game, and 1st party FPS. 2K was a no-brainer. There were so many deals going on around that time, it was really easy to stack up on games. So I got to try a lot of next gen games and I can honestly say only a handful of them are worthy of next gen labels. Games like Madden 25...first why does it look like that? All the commercials they showed made the camera's close and really nice (not great) detail. But when you play, well you will see it when you play, its not next gen worthy to me. Killzone looks ohh so delicious!! But that's the difference when you actually spend time making a game and just not putting something together just to make money *cough couch EA cough cough NBA Live 14 cough* just saying. Also, why is NBA Live 14 still $60? They came out and said that it was trash but yet they still sell it for $60?! Anyway, The PS4 has all the basic streaming people like Netflix and Hulu Plus and things like that (not as many as Xbox 360 and still a bit under Xbox One) but its a console that you can tell is all about gaming. I mean it took me about 15 minutes from the first start up (after the problem I had) to actually being able to play a game. I had to find WiFi and then connect and then enter PSN credentials and then put in 2K and let it install for about 4-5 minutes and I was playing right after that. Granted it was only the exhibition mode, but I was playing it none the less. 

PS4 is the console you want to own that has a no nonsense attitude and the system you want for pure out games. I bought a game console to play games. I don't need my system to play Netflix and all that other stuff, I have a smart TV for all of that. Even id you are a person who does not, the best Roku player or an Apple TV (and other options) can all be had for about $99 (some Roku's are starting out at $49). But some people like to have everything in one convenient place and I get that and for that, the PS4 does all the major players just right. It doesn't do the TV thing like Xbox One (yet. more on that HERE) but looking towards the future, I think PS4 might be this generations console winner. They have to keep the games coming and those games have to be good, not great but good. They have to be San Antonio Spurs good, not Miami Heat great. I say that because they don't need the heavy hitters, they just need a basic consistency of good games like the Spurs have players. I don't know how they turn average to below average guys into good/great players but they do and it works. I think the Heat will phase out (no doubt they are great) like a trend. And that is how I see the Xbox One and the PS4, Heat and Spurs. To bad the Spurs lost to the heat but the Spurs will continue to be good consistently and the Heat will phase out or lose the luster behind them. The PS4 has a bunch of small features that make it the best thing going like the Spurs as well. And its only going to get better with what they announced at CES 2014 with PlayStation Now (game streaming service) and their take on TV with streaming TV to your console to watch live TV just about anywhere. The PS4 is a beast to be reckoned with and again it is my favorite system of the next gen war. 

I have not been playing it for awhile but there were other things I was testing out and really just wanted to get the feel of the other things I was testing and using. The PS4 should be in your life rather you want it or not. It is a system that people be able to just pick up and play and I really think its trying to make its own lane. What I mean is, when Apple came out with their stuff years ago up until iPhone 5, everything they made or others made went through that 30-pin connector. People had accessories galore. But the new iPhone 5 used a different connector and people went nuts! So what I am saying is PS4 has nothing to do with PS3 or PS2 or even PS1 like the other versions did. PS2 allowed you to play PS1 games on it and even the early versions of the PS3 let you play some PS2 games and PS1 games. Heck even Xbox 360 played some Xbox games. The point is, PS4 is its own thing. Its a gaming console first and everything else second. It does however have something to do with the Vita but we all knew that when they were making project Orbis or NGP. The PS4 will stand on its own two feet and take us into the future. 

The last thing I will say about the PS4 is the PS Vita function. The PS Vita and the PS4 work together as a second screen experience or work perfectly well without each other. If you are familiar with the the Wii U, then you know you use the Game Pad to do a lot of the functions and when someone wants to use the TV, you can just keep playing your game on the Game Pad while the TV becomes free. Well same concept with a tad bit better execution. I say that because the screen on the Wii U is 50/50 at best while the Vita's screen is awesome. The controls are nice, touch screen and a rear touch pad as well. They both can act as a second screen but I think the biggest difference is that you can play your PS4 anywhere in the house (as long as there is wifi) and not just up to 20 feet away. So on nice summer days you can go lay outside in the back yard (hammock action) and just play away. Man that sounds so peaceful. Also the Vita Plays just about every PS4 game so you can really stop playing on the TV and switch it right to the Vita. Its a great companion. And some games come with cross buy. So that means if you buy it for PS3/PS4, you can get it free on the Vita. Like how iOS/Android work, buy it on one device and its free for the other devices you own that run those OS'es. 

Overall, the best system period. We are in a new year and I waited so long to give out a review because I wanted to actually play it and experience it. A lot of reviewers get these systems and new gadgets and just use it for a week or two tops. People in the real world can't just keep using these new devices every chance they get like some of the tech people out there because they are using their hard earned cash to pay for these things. So because of that, they tell you a system or phone is good today, maybe even great but they never tell you how that device is 3 months after or even 6-7 months either. A lot of people didn't get a PS4 or Xbox One because they were waiting for more games or couldn't afford it or just missed out completely. But when they read my reviews a few months from now, I will still be talking about this system and other things because I use them everyday and not just for review purposes only. So when March or April comes around (and its tax season), these will be times when people buy this system for the first time and before they buy may want to know which direction to go in. Don't worry, starting this year I will be doing a review of things every 3-4 months just to keep the reader up to date and those starting off new in the loop and not get surprised like my buddy did with his phone that runs very poor for him. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed and stay tuned for my review of this later in the coming months and my reviews on future products like Xbox One, Lumia 1520, and HP Chromebook 14 just to name a few. 

PSN: The_D_O_P_E_69
XBL: TitosTech
WiiU: titostech
twitter: @TitosTech
Raptr: TitosTech
Twitch: TitosTech (more streams coming soon)
G+: @TitosTech
With My Hue Lights, This is My PS4 Setting When Its Game Time
Simple UnBoxing

Game Time!!

My Number

The Finished Product